Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hello March!


I'm so happy it's March, I absolutely love this month! Bring on St. Patty's day!

  I hope everyone out in the blog world has been having a
wonderful year so far. I know am! So far this year has brought
several changes to my life, the biggest one being a job change.
I absolutely love my new job. I love the group of people I work with,
the atmosphere, the clients, the set schedule...I'm already spoiled. LOL.

             Here's some things I've been able to do in my spare time (Or atleast some recent things)

                                        I bought new spring/summer nail polish colors.<3 them.
Download photo.JPG (449.1 KB)

I got in some of my new blazers and bought some fancy new wedges.
Tried to be "gangsta" but failed...

Taking shopping trips with the girls
And dreaming of going to Ireland!
(It happens every March...nothing new)
I also bought both pairs of shoes I wanted from Bakers.
I have become a shoe fanatic. Something I thought would NEVER 

I'm also loving this seasons of

Khloe and Lamar: Season 2


The Real Housewives of Orange County:
Season 7



  1. Haha that text message is hilarious! You're so gangsta' ;) Thanks for following, friend!

    xo Berni

  2. Oh my gosh those wedges are wild! I am a training manager at a shoe I always get excited when people talk about their shoes! ;D Sounds like you have been having fun! I am excited for you!
